Rudi Klarič
I was born on September 8, 1939, in the village of Gerovo (Gorski Kotar, Croatia) to Slovenian parents. From November 1, 1957, to May 31, 1983, I worked for the Slovenian national radio-television (at the time known as RTV Ljubljana). I started as a TV technician and later became a cameraman, journalist, and TV reporter as well as director. Since being an independent author means a lot to me, I never became a member or any political party.
From 1963 to 1983
In the period from 1963 to 1983 I created 95 documentaries. The content was either the achievement of my research on the state of affairs in former Yugoslavia in comparison with the most developed parts of the world or the consequence of my inner creative thought. To instill into my works as much originality as possible, I took on a role of a screenwriter, head cameraman, and director in the creation of each one of my films. Even while working on my first projects, I understood that my works could transcendent time only if they were in tune with my conscience.
Everything in Its Own Time
The film Everything In Its Own Time that I shot in the metropolises Leningrad and Moskva of the former Soviet Union in 1969 indicated that I would sooner or later run into trouble due to giving precedence to my conscience. The leaders of the Slovenian Communist Party at the time resented me because I dared to critically evaluate the state of affairs in the land of the October Revolution.
Branches in the Wind
In 1969, Department of Philosophy at Ljubljana University asked me to produce a short film Branches in the Wind as a part of an international research project. The research project was led by the American University of Oregon in collaboration with the Canadian McMaster University. The task of the project was to scientifically evaluate influences of various media on the human cognitive metamorphosis as applied to continuing education. Authors from the United States, Canada, and Netherlands as well as then communist countries Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia were involved in the film part of the project.
The initiators of the project were looking for the most efficient way of changing the outdated mentality. This approach would have to be equally efficient all over the world, regardless of geographical, political, economic, cultural, and other factors. I devoted Branches in the Wind to understanding the reasons for the problems children have with their parents and the problems parents have with their children.
After the computer analysis of the data, it turned out that Branches in the Wind was the most efficient of all the films. Because of the exceptionally high percentage of those who changed their mentality after watching my film, the experts repeated the test to check the results once more and eliminate the possibility of error. The repeated test confirmed the exceptional efficiency of the film. Due to this achievement, I was invited to move to the States and lead a team of scholars based on my approach. I was too young at the time to appreciate the offer fully and opted for the career of a freelance investigative journalist instead.
Why Back
Next, but a lot more serious complication in my creative endeavors was in 1970 caused by the content of my documentary Why Back. In it, I presented the survivors from the concentration camp Buchenwald who received long-term prison sentences or were sentenced to death after their return to Slovenia. They were convicted without evidence, based solely on the court’s opinion that they couldn’t have survived if they didn’t collaborate with the Nazis.
I caused myself even worse troubles in 1971 with the film Tashkent. The CEO of the Slovenian radio-television at the time decided that the film was not suitable for broadcasting in Slovenia, but it was broadcasted in Switzerland. The film showed life in Uzbek cities Samarkand and Tashkent and the environment that Alexsander Solženicin also experienced and wrote about.
A Day in Milan
Luckily for me, I received the first prize in the international competition of TV authors from all over the world for my music-impressionistic documentary A Day In Milan in that same 1971 year. I felt even safer after JRT (the alliance of RTV stations of the former Yugoslavia) proclaimed my documentary To Fly the third best TV show of all the TV stations in Yugoslavia that year. In 1972 the film To Fly also received the highest professional award – the first prize by the association of professional film critics – C.I.D.A.L.C., and in the same year also the Golden Gentian award the festival of documentaries in Trento (Italy).
Around the World
Since I felt hampered in my country, I strived to travel as much as I could. I visited over 70 countries with my cameras. I explored life in all stages of development on all the continents through my films. I shot 24 documentaries under the title A Man Without Frontiers during my first travel around the world on the Slovenian ships Ljubljana and Portorož.
The History of Slovenians in Film Frescos
I used my creative creed to conscientiously put the truth, as seen from various cognitive perspectives, to light during the production of the film series The History of Slovenians In Film Frescos. In this series, I shed light on the development of humanity from the beginning of the planet to today. In 12 films (produced from 1978 to 1983), each in length of approximately 43 minutes, I portrayed the development of the Slovenian kinship in parallel with the development of humanity. I portrayed the history of the Slovenian nation in a way that allowed me to simultaneously narrate on the essence of the history of all kinships, cultures, and nations of the humanity. Namely, humaneness is born from the same source – the human conscience.
The World Championship
Finally and once and for all I managed to turn the members of Slovenian Communist Party against me with the film The World Championship, the 12th film in the History of Slovenians In Film Frescos series. I predicted the inevitable end of the single party monopoly with this film. By doing so, I crossed the mental line of what the »soldiers of the revolution« in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia could bear at the time. In 1983 the party cell of the Communist Party that was at the time actively engaged in the information program at TV Ljubljana proclaimed me an enemy of the party and state in a report dated from October 12, 1983, that is still preserved in its original form. They decided that all of my past, present, and future films must be forever banned from being broadcasted on the national TV. With that my future film endeavors were blocked, for there were no alternative TV stations in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia at the time.
After 1983 - Freelance
After the Slovenian TV proclaimed me an enemy of the Communist Party I had no other option but to produce promotional films for the Slovenian and Yugoslavia companies that needed commercial presentations of their products and services. Among others, I produced international promotional films for the former Yugoslav machine manufacturer RIKOkon. I shot the installation and functioning of the floodgates in numerous hydropower plants all over the world for the Slovenian producer of hydromechanical equipment Metalna. This made it possible for me to shot the film material and the same time explore the humanity and humanness.
Qi Gong
On one of my journeys to Australia, I met a Chinese couple who performed Qi Gong exercises in the Lemington National Park rainforest in Queensland. Based on this and other similar meetings I started to explore the life message of pure conscience as related to the life message of pure nature, which led to a turning point of quality in my way of exploration.
Meaningful Energy Field
In 1991, Wang Aiping, the Chinese Qi Gong master, asked me to record a video of her treatments during which she transmitted “a field of pure positive energy” and simultaneously healed hundreds of people. I had a chance to see the exceptional efficiency of the master’s energy field as well as digression of health and mental states of those who had missed her after she left. Based on this experience I developed my own energy method Sem&vem® (I am & I know) for the creation of concentrated energy field that is born from the coherent relationship between conscience and nature. The name of the approach is Sem&vem® (I am & I know) where Sem (I am) stands for the internal (spiritual) strength while vem (I know) stands for the power of nature and its laws.
Merging the energy fields of pure conscience and pure nature with composure became essential for all of my creative achievements, where pure conscience holds the leading role and the laws of pure nature executive role. Due to the leading role of conscience, I started to mark all of my works that are based on this realization as 'the work of pure conscience'.
Sem&vem® Approach – Conscience and Knowledge
I have been developing and testing the Sem&vem® approach which is based on the establishment of the synergy between the energy fields of pure conscience and pure nature since 1992, for 25 years consecutively. The practices for the development of Sem&vem® were held in for that purpose energetically tuned places in which the users trained on how to understand and use my approach. During this time I planned and created a whole set of the Sem&vem® tools.
Prebujevalnica® - The Awakening Room
In 2000 I built the Blue Hall at Podgozd in the vicinity of Ljubljana - a place for the creation of a dense energy field of pure conscience that springs from the mental and physical harmony between pure conscience and pure nature. Since the essence of my approach is an acceleration of spiritual awakening I named the hall The Awakening Room.
Insulated Multimedia Space (IMS)
Sustainable and holistic research of the effects of the coherent relationship between pure conscious and pure nature brought me to the innovatively conceived online-maintained space – a place or room called the Insulated Multimedia Space (IMS). The space is meant to be used by one person at a time. A child can accompany an adult. IMS serves to:
- increase inner (spiritual) strength for improved vitality, self-esteem, concentration, ability to focus on the higher level of composure
- intentionally boost the natural self-healing power of the organism for easier and faster healing of all illnesses and more efficient health protection
- protection from harmful stress and for easier and faster overcoming the consequences of harmful stress when they cannot be prevented
- improve safety at work and road traffic
- increase and maintain fitness in studying, work and sports
- improve the quality of partnerships, family, work and sexual relationships
- accelerate personal entrepreneurship, creativity and personality development
- greater and faster success in all benevolent areas in work and life
On May 12, 2014, the Slovenian Office for Intelectual Property published a patent for the production of the Insulated Multimedia Space based on my patent application No. 201300275. On 3/31/2015 the Office also issued a decision by which it granted me a patent No. 24480.
The invention received its first international recognition – Bronze medal – at the international exhibition of inventions (from Oct 20 to Oct 22, 2016) in Zagreb.
If anyone thinks that there is something ethically questionable in my approach, I commit myself to providing an answer to every qualm in accord with my conscience to achieve the highest possible level of ethical indisputability and cosmopolitan acceptability of my approach, and it's tools. I am aware of the limitations of my mind and especially the fact that its lack of knowledge is significantly greater that the knowledge it possesses. I see knowledge as a perishable food for soul that becomes dangerous after the expiration or its short shelf life.
I find the need to abandon outdated knowledge equally important as the ability to acquire new knowledge and realizations. Please let me know if you notice that I use knowledge whose usability has expired to explain any of my realizations.
With the use of my approach, it is necessary to understand that Sem&vem® is neither a religious nor bio-energetic or medical method and that it also isn’t an alternative to religion, healers or medicine. It is an independent, from medicine and other approaches completely detached philosophical, cultural, artistic, and explorational scientific author’s approach.
The basic aim of my approach is the use of spiritual awakening and composure for the creation of concentrated energy field in the body and environment.
The approach springs from the realization that the energy of pure conscience and pure nature create a healing, wholesome, and creative energy field. This field enables an increase in the natural self-healing and protective power of the body and sustainably creative way of life.
The Sem&vem® approach and The Awakening Room represent my lifework. In the last 25 years, I prepared and hosted 6595 events where there was a combination of multimedia shows and specialized training in in-depth energy relaxation of the body. I also had 2975 individual talks with the users of the approach.
For the use of my approach, I designed tools that allow energy practices and techniques for the boost of the natural self-healing and protective power of the body.
The tools are also useful for spiritual awakening and increased composure in people of all ages, genders, levels of education, languages, and cultures.
With my approach, I make it possible for anyone who properly uses it to create a meaningful energy field of pure (emotionally undisturbed) conscience and pure (emotionally undisturbed) nature and use the beneficial effects of their (emotionally undisturbed) complementation.
Thank you note
It is my conscientious, ethical, and moral duty to express my gratefulness to the thousands of spiritually awakened creatives and all who had been able to help themselves by using my approach during their development.
Those, who have healed their incurable illnesses and improved the quality of their lives and longevity with Sem&vem® approach, contributed most to my ability to offer to You, who are now reading this, the tool with a symbolic name The Awakening Room – an upgrade of my striving for Your more pleasant and longer life.
Translated by Mateja Klarič